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KiVa information about indicated actions

Bullying is a major problem worldwide and Greece is no exception. The definition of bullying is when an individual or a group of people with more power, repeatedly and intentionally cause hurt or harm to another person or group of people who feel helpless to respond. Bullying can continue over time, is often hidden from adults, and will probably continue if no action is taken.

The European School of Heraklion is committed to providing students a safe learning environment that respects the dignity of all. In response to this, we decided to implement the KiVa antibullying program, which has been evaluated in Finland and other European countries, showing preventive effects on victimization and self- reported bullying.

Kiva intervention policy consists of :

  1. Individual discussion with KiVa team member/s
    1. With the pupil not feeling at ease within the group: Pupil describes the situation and the KiVa team member shows that s/he is there to help.
    2. With the other pupils involved: Pupil is asked what s/he could do to improve the situation where another pupil isn’t feeling at ease. The things which have been suggested and agreed on are noted.
    3. After 1-2 weeks: KiVa team will have an individual follow –up talk with pupils involved: Has the situation changed for the better? When the KiVa team starts individual discussions, it means that the KiVa team takes care of your child’s case. The KiVa team will guide the puils to find positive solutions by themselves. There’s no need to be worried if you don’t have more detailed information about the case after the notification e-mail. The KiVa team works in cooperation with the class teacher.
      If however you have questions concerning the case of your child, you can contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  2. Individual discussion between the class teacher/principal teacher and classmates who could help the pupil in question. If appropriate, the class/teacher principal teacher can ask if the pupil’s classmates could act in a positive way to help and support the pupil who is either feeling ill, at ease, or being bullied.

The KiVa team doesn’t accuse or punish anyone, but helps to develop empathy and positive solutions. For more info regarding the program you can contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  • At the School of European Education there is a very active Photo club. Its activities include presentations of photo books, the creation of slideshows and exhibitions, participation in Greek and European contests, photo student contests, photo walks and educational excursions.

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  • DESCRIPTION: The participating students record important historical events, dates, customs, traditions, current, cultural landmarks per month.

    METHOD: The implementation consists of the identity texts method, with texts produced in a strong (mother tongue) and in a less powerful language (which they are now learning), where they report the results of their research, personal experiences, interviews with the family environment, the internet and relevant books and manuals.

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  • This year, classes S1-S3 shall dive into the world of comic books and in particular into the universe of Astérix le Gaulois, the Francophone Belgian series of comic books, written by René Goscinny and illustrated by Alberto Uderzo.

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  • Classes P4 and P5 worked together with pupils from a Danish school and exchanged christmas cards and traditional sweets, within European Hours. Our pupils had the chance to communicate and exchange wishes with children from Copenhagen. They will go on working on this e-twinning project, which they find fascinating. Merry Christmas, happy holidays! 

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  • The English-speaking section of the Primary Cycle of the School of European Education of Heraklion visited the Urban Vegetable Garden in Agios Ioannis-Heraklion (Crete), in the context of an educational fieldtrip, with the aim of participating in the planting process and familiarization with organic farming.

    After the welcome and a short introduction to the volunteers and the expert agronomist who take care of the Vegetable Garden every day, the students, with the help of Vicky, Kostas and Despina, planted lettuce, cabbage, broccoli and leeks. Babis Symeonidis, member of the “Greenpeace Heraklion”, under the shade of the olive tree, discussed with the students the need to protect the ecosystem from the use of plastic and other human interventions. Afterwards, the students participated in a workshop to create nurseries in paper and fabric containers.

    The vegetable garden was filled with happy faces. The students were enthralled with the collection of vegetables, fruits and flowers grown within this space. They got to know all trees and plants, they tasted fresh, seasonal fruit straight from the farm and played carefree having fun in a natural, urban and human-friendly environment.

    We were particularly impressed by the fact that these multicultural students were informed and aware of issues concerning the environment and its protection, as well as issues of solidarity. They behaved with courtesy and respect in this first visit to the Municipal Vegetable Garden of Agios Ioannis, something which is certainly an optimistic message in the complex and multi-challenging everyday life. After all, this generation with maturity recognizes the right choices for protecting the natural environment. Congratulations to their parents and teachers!

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  • The 5th Grade students of Primary Cycle of School of European Education of Heraklion participated in an activity of Urban Environmental Education in the framework of the International Day of Outdoor Education as the 2nd November has been set. Specifically the teacher of the S.E.E. Heraklion Mr. Nikos Kokolakis has organized a  “soundwalk” session activity in order the students to observe the sound ecosystem of the Heraklion city. The students had the chance to record the soundscape of an urban beach near to school. The “soundwalk” took place on the route from the school to “Karavola” beach, which is 10 minutes from the school.

    The students recorded their sound observations on paper and then they had a brief discussion in a circle on the beach where we “shared” the sounds we had heard earlier on. Then, they split into groups and became sound explorers across the length of the beach. They tried to record the same sounds we discovered earlier on with the help of the special equipment that the music teacher of the school Mr. Nikos Kokolakis had (recording device with a microphone, a hydrophone, and a geophone). All the students had the opportunity to experiment with the equipment.

    In class the students drafted a short report recounting their experience. Here are just a few words from what they wrote:

    "..a gurgling sound escaped from the tunnel, and a low, deep moaning roamed from the structure..", "..we threw stones around the geophone and listened to the noise they made, it was really satisfying..", " team spotted a white Herron! We went to hear it, but it flew away..", "..I heard a Herron, the waves crushing, footsteps, the cars and bikes..", "..we could hear the differences between the sounds of the city and the sounds of the nature..", "..we heard the sounds of strong wind blowing, the waves of the Ocean, and vehicles passing through..", "..I heard a very creepy deep voice coming out of the weird tunnel next to the big yellow rocks..", " and my friends collected 312 pieces of glass to clean the beach..", "..he put the hydrophone in the water and connected the wire to the recorder, which was already plugged to the headphones and could listen closely to the ocean..", "..the way back was quicker because we had less stops..", "..on the way back we could talk to each other..", "..for me the trip was very nice! It shows that you don't need money to have fun..", "..I really enjoyed the field trip and I think it was a once in a lifetime experience..", "..I slipped from a rock, and hurt myself, but anyway the trip was fun..", "..all in all I think we had a nice day.." 



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  • "I protect the marine & costal ecosystem of my place"

    The students of 5th Grade of Primary and 1st Grade of Secondary Cycle (both of Greek & English Section) of School of European Education of Heraklion (S.E.E.) participated in a briefing and awareness activity in the field of Urban Environmental Education. The activity was organized and took place in the school on 21-2-2024 by the Coastal & Marine Research Laboratory of the Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH), in the context of cooperation Agreement that was signed by the Research Director and Head of the Coastal & Marine Research Lab Mr. Nikolaos Kampanis and the Director of the School Mrs. Amalia Filipaki.

    During this activity of awareness, Mr. Kampanis and the researcher of the Laboratory Mr. George Alexandrakis visited the S.E.E. of Heraklion. Also Mr. Antonis Kritikos participated, who was the coordinator of the Heraklion port cleanup action which took place on 20/1/2024.

    The students of classes P5 (EL & EN) and S1 (EL & EN) had the opportunity to learn about the components and characteristics of marine and coastal ecosystems, to be informed about the work of oceanographers and to familiarize themselves with the specialized instruments which the latter use during their research activity. The children took notes, expressed their concerns, and addressed questions to the researchers. They also watched a video of the Heraklion port cleaning action and were informed about it by Mr. Kritikos. This briefing was organized and carried out in order for the students to be prepared in advance for a planned experiential and hands-on action which will took place in next month at a specific marine & costal place located east of the M.F.I. Crete.


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    The central idea of the project aims to fight the lack of scientific-mathematical skills in children between 9 and 12 years, through the approach to the study of astronomy and observation of the sky. The direct observation of celestial phenomena, the collection of data and the related analysis in order to formulate hypotheses to be verified on the field will all be elements that will bring pupils very close to the scientific method and the history of scientific discoveries.

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  • During the school year 2021-2022, the students of the geography class S4 together with their teacher Dimitra Tsionou will work to create an interactive e-book. The subject of the e-book will be on European female scientists that men took credit for their work. Some examples of such scientists are Rosalind Elsie Franklin (DNA structure), Bell Burnell (astronomer) and many more in the past but also recent years. 

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  • Different languages do not separate people, rather people from different countries have something in common as far as communication is concerned: they can all speak the language of the heart. Then again, ancient civilizations and in particular the ancient Greek civilization can also “communicate” with our era - and vice versa - even more directly and successfully through theater, with its undisputed edifying value highlighted by the Ancient Greeks.

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  • In 2022 the European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM) celebrates its 10-year anniversary, since it was first launched in 2012. After 10 years of hard work and constant evolution, the ECSM campaign has reached a high maturity level and has become a flagship activity, helping change our behavior online, improving the way we act when faced with a cybersecurity threat and eventually reaching the goal of reducing cyber incidents.

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  • Pollution and strays – we can make a difference!

    Our team is comprised of students aged 11 to 18 years old and three main teachers. Our main aim is to raise awareness about stray animals and pollution. The students have created art projects, recycling centres, and games to educate younger children. They have also participated in projects highlighting the issues both stray animals and our environment face. Every week, a group of students sets out to clean up rubbish on the school grounds and in the surrounding area. One of our biggest projects was a beach clean-up, during which the students collected 11 bin bags full of rubbish from Ammoudara Beach! We are committed to continuing our learning, helping others and raising awareness in the hope of a sustainable future!

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School of European Education Heraklion

Savathianon & A. Nioti 8
  P.O. Box 2099
  71202 Heraklion
+30 2810 301780