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The central idea of the project aims to fight the lack of scientific-mathematical skills in children between 9 and 12 years, through the approach to the study of astronomy and observation of the sky. The direct observation of celestial phenomena, the collection of data and the related analysis in order to formulate hypotheses to be verified on the field will all be elements that will bring pupils very close to the scientific method and the history of scientific discoveries.

Through the various mobilities in the five European countries belonging to the partnership (Italy, Finland, United Kingdom, Spain, Greece) there will be the opportunity to observe the celestial vault from places located at different latitudes in Europe, specifically chosen during the design phase in locations of particular geographic and scientific interest, which possess structures dedicated to astronomical observation. This will allow us to experience that each observation point offers a different perspective of the celestial vault although it is one and one for all. Thanks to the possibility of visiting very distant places on the global grid, children will also be able to see how the latitude and the consequent different solar irradiation influences many aspects of life on earth, from duration of daylight to climate, from landscape to human settlements.

In addition to acquiring essential knowledge related to the celestial sphere, it will be possible to let the students retrace the history of scientific and technological observations and inquiries that brought the human being from rock paintings to the discovery of the globe and the conquest of space. Particular attention will also be directed to the humanistic-philosophical and anthropological approach through the examination of myths, literary, artistic and religious works related to the knowledge of the sky. The project activities will allow to use innovative teaching methods and new technologies, experimenting with new pedagogical approaches to learning and teaching, developing interdisciplinary programs based on reality tasks, promoting basic skills as well as interpersonal skills and European citizenship's ones.

For further information, please read the project summary and visit our eTwinning page.




The School of European Education of Heraklion cordially welcomed the partners of the European programme Erasmus+ entitled "E QUINDI USCIMMO a RIVEDER LE STELLE" during the week of March 28 to April 1, 2022.

Students and teachers from Italy, Finland and Spain were hosted in our school, having received a warm welcome from the Deputy Mayor of Education Ms. Archontaki. They attended a music and dance event prepared in their honour by our own students and teachers, at the alternative stage of the Cultural Centre of Heraklion, they had a tour of the historic centre of the city and the archaeological site of Knossos, they visited the CRETAquarium, enjoyed traditional Cretan recipes at ‘Erganos’ restaurant and ate by the seafront at the ‘Marina’ restaurant. They watched dancers perform Cretan traditional dances and were able to dance themselves at the Papadokosta Dance School and concluded their visit to our city with a farewell dinner party hosted in their honour by the Parents and Guardians Association of the SEEH.

The main focus this week was on the children’s group work on connecting astronomy with ancient Greek mythology and the mobile planetarium show, both events at our school. The highlight of the week was the star observation that took place on Wednesday, March 30 at 21:30 at the Venetian Walls of Heraklion.

The final evening of ‘farewell’ was full of heartfelt emotions and sealed the success of the week. All participants, both students and teachers, received certificates and we renewed our appointment for the next, and final, educational meeting of this programme in Perugia, Italy.

Our sincerest gratitude to the members of the local community who embraced our effort, to the Deputy Mayor of Education and president of DEPANAL Ms. Archontaki, to the Deputy Regional Governor of Heraklion Mr. Syringonakis, to the professor of the University of Crete, Mr. Vas. Charmandaris, the member of the Friends of Astronomy Association, Mr. Pan. Pantzekos, the member of the astronomy club of the students of the University of Crete, Mr. Al. Lychoudis, and the scientific research associate of the Schinakas Observatory, Mr. Pan. Evangelopoulos, who visited our school either in person or online and interacted with our children. Many thanks also to Mr. Papadokostas, our sponsors Stamatakis Brothers O.E, Terra Creta, ABEA, Priansos, the supermarket ‘Chalkiadakis’, the Patsourakis family, ESDAK and of course all the parents of our school, without whose support we could not have offered the appropriate hospitality.

Acting Director of S.E.E.H.

Grammatiki Palamouti


2017 - 2019: ART & ICT against Bullying and Cyberbullying

Our school proudly takes part in an Erasmus+ KA2 project named: ART & ICT against Bullying and Cyberbullying. The countries that are taking part are: Spain (as a coordinator country), Italy and Latvia.

With this project we want to prevent and reduce the cases of bullying and cyberbullying in our centre and in all educational community our school belongs to. We also want to establish cooperation ties with our international partners, to exchange experiences and enrich our feedback, by facing the problems from different point of view.

Through the mobility we will be able to exchange experiences between teachers and students, and the set activities will enable us to take advantage of the work and have better results for our school and all the partners schools who are taking part in the project.

For more information, please visit the project website and our eTwinning group page.

School of European Education Heraklion

Savathianon & A. Nioti 8
  P.O. Box 2099
  71202 Heraklion
+30 2810 301780