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During the school year 2021-2022, the students of the geography class S4 together with their teacher Dimitra Tsionou will work to create an interactive e-book. The subject of the e-book will be on European female scientists that men took credit for their work. Some examples of such scientists are Rosalind Elsie Franklin (DNA structure), Bell Burnell (astronomer) and many more in the past but also recent years. 

The target of this project is to enhance the European identity of the students and also for them to become aware of the presence and work of female scientists in different fields. The content of the book will be formed by the students with the guidance of their teacher.

School of European Education Heraklion

Savathianon & A. Nioti 8
  P.O. Box 2099
  71202 Heraklion
+30 2810 301780