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Priority in enrolment process (See Decree 4115/2013 article 44a.14 and Ministerial Decree 1444/2008/179/84525/Ζ2 article 3)

Applications for enrolment will be processed in the following order of priority:

  1. Children of employees of ENISA or other institutions of the European Union
  2. Children of employees of international organizations and diplomatic missions based in Heraklion
  3. Children whose parents (at least one of them) are citizens of an EU member state
  4. Children of employees of organizations and institutions related to Research and Development
  5. Children residing in the region of SEEH

Should there be more category (5) applications than vacancies, candidates will be randomly selected through an open, public draw

The necessary documents for enrollment in the 1st class of Elementary of SEEH are:

  1. Application form
  2. A.Δ.Υ.Μ (in Greek, to be completed by a doctor)
  3. Solemn declaration for choosing a foreign language NEW
  4. Solemn declaration for the dismissal
  5. Solemn declaration of non-change of language department
  6. Parental contact details
  7. Copies of parents' IDs / passports
  8. Copies of vaccination pages from the child's Health Booklet
  9. Birth certificate of the child. For children born abroad, the birth certificate must bear the Hague stamp (APOSTILLE) and be translated into Greek in Greece. The countries exempt from APOSTILE are: Austria, Spain, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Turkey, and Poland.
  10. Certificate of attendance from a Nursery School

All the above supporting documents can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within 1-15 June 2024 with the e-mail subject: "Application for the enrollment of (child's name) at the Elementary school of SEEH."

  • Applications sent earlier or later than the scheduled dates will NOT be accepted.
  • Applications with incomplete documents will NOT be accepted.

Applications for registration can also be made in person at SEEH in the period 1-15 June 2024. In this case parents should contact the School by phone: +30 2810 301 780 from Monday 27 May 2024 onwards, so that an appointment can be set for a specific date and time.

School of European Education Heraklion

Savathianon & A. Nioti 8
  P.O. Box 2099
  71202 Heraklion
+30 2810 301780


Primary Cycle

Secondary Cycle