The students of S3, S4 and S5 from both the Greek and the English section of the S.E.E.H. took part in an information session held by the Hellenic Mathematical Society, H.M.S., on Tuesday 23rd October 2018 regarding the society’s field of activity. The session was organised by the S.E.E.H. mathematics sector, the school management and both Mr Varverakis Andreas and Mr Sygkelakis Alexandros, president and secretary of the H.M.S. Heraklion, respectively.
The students were informed about the annual mathematics competitions organized by the H.M.S., the results from previous years as well as the benefits of participating in such competitions.
The students were then encouraged to take part in the solving of math exercises/problems and had fun trying to find the answers to mathematical puzzles and brainteasers.
We would like to thank Mr. Varverakis and Mr. Sygelakis for their well-organized and effective presentation and congratulate them on all their work. We would also like to thank the S.E.E.H. students for being there and participating in all the activities.