Dear parents/guardians of SEEH students,
On Monday 1 November 2021 the edupass.gov.gr platform was launched for public schools, which is an additional tool for the health shield of the living operation of public educational structures. Our school has been facing some technical difficulties with this platform, which we expect to be solved soon. You can find some information here about the use of edupass.
Thanks to edupass.gov.gr, the principal of the school will be able to confirm at any time that there are only persons inside the school (students, teachers / members of EEP-EBP, visitors), which meet the conditions of physical presence in the living educational process.
The platform currently concerns only the primary school units, secondary education and special education. The platform integrates all the functions of self-testing.gov.gr and the process of issuing the School Card for COVID-19.
Obliged to submit to the edupass.gov.gr platform a statement of participation with physical presence in the lifelong educational process in public schools are:
(a) the students,
(b) the teaching staff and members of the Special Teaching Staff (E.P.) and Special Support Staff (ΕΒΠ),
(c) any other person, who participates with physical presence in any kind of educational process that takes place within the premises of the public educational structure ("visitors"), such as students doing internships in the school unit.
The obligors or the parents / guardians of the obligors enter the platform and declare their intention to be physically present at the school premises, requesting that their status be sent to their school locker.
- A) In case the obligors have been vaccinated or who have become ill within the last six months, this statement must be made only once and
- B) in case they are required to undergo a diagnostic (rapid/PCR) or self-diagnostic test (self test), the declaration must be made as many times as required by the applicable framework, e.g. for students who have not been vaccinated / ill in the last semester, the corresponding statement to edupass.gov.gr must be submitted twice a week. The parents must then print the school card and the student demonstrates, without delivering, the school card in the classroom, to the teacher of the first hour and bring it with him / her until the next diagnostic test is performed in case a demonstration is requested by the teacher or by the Principal / Deputy Director.
Please note that you can provide a handwritten school card, provided that you have already submitted the results of the self-test to the edupass.gov.gr platform, that it can be confirmed by the school.
Please remember to enter the platform edupass.gov.gr tomorrow (Thursday, 4.11.) as well as every Monday and Thursday, and submit the results of your children’s self-test.
The sub. Director of SEEH
Grammatiki Palamouti